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Guest Posts Highlights 24 October as International Day of Climate Action

On 24 October, people in 181 countries are coming together for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet’s history. At over 5200 events around the world, people are gathering to call for strong action and bold leadership on the climate crisis.

Participate in any of the following ways to express your caring for the International Day of Climate Action:
Walk, March, or Rally: Visibly walking through your community shows movement and solidarity with the cause. Ending at an iconic site (a monument, mountain, hill, river, temple, park, you know what’s best for your place) with speakers and musicians is a great way to spread the word while having a good time.

Show the Tide Line: In coastal areas, rising sea levels caused my melting sea ice may flood many iconic and meaningful places. Standing on or marking potential tide lines could be a powerful image and educational experience for your community.

Teach-In: October 24 will be an excellent teaching opportunity! Do some online research about global warming and invite your participants to learn more about the issue and discuss why 350 is such a critical benchmark for international action on this issue.

Faith Celebrations: Connections between the world’s diverse religions and the issue of global warming are numerous and strike a strong moral chord. This is a great way to gather people together who already have a community in which they discuss the big questions. Now is the chance to add global warming to the list.

Invite Government Officials: October 24 will be a great day to directly engage government officials and call for real action on climate change. Who in your country has influence on climate policy? Consider inviting your mayor, environment minister, representatives, or perhaps even prime minister or president.

Biking Action: Biking, like a march or walk, is a great way to get out and be visible in your community. It can also demonstrate the need for improved infrastructure for our alternative modes of transportation.

Campus Action: College campuses have a huge role to play in any social movement. Push the creativity and tech-savvy contributions that youth can provide, and give a strong base of energy for our elders.

Trash Clean Up: Sadly, some of our iconic places aren’t as pristine as we’d like. Why not leave the place better than you found it?

Service Actions: Spend part of your day actively creating a more just, sustainable world by helping weatherize buildings in your community, constructing new pedestrian or cycle paths, or running whatever sorts of service projects you can come up with to work towards getting CO2 back below 350 ppm.

Art Installation: Provide art supplies and invite your participants to create art, maybe something that speaks of the importance of your iconic place.

Carrotmob: Reward a responsible business by "joycotting" their store on October 24th. You can either hold a competition between businesses or just pick one that you know is doing good and help them do well.

Plan An Art Event: Take environmentalism beyond the brain and into the heart by hosting an Art Event.

Let us know what you did to make a difference. Email:

About International Day of Climate Action
The event was created by the nonprofit, founded by activist Bill McKibben to organise grassroots campaigns to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and other human causes.

Leading scientists warn that 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the top limit for maintaining a healthy Earth. Carbon emissions are now at about 385 parts per million.

‘Go Green’ web portal was launched in July 2008 to remind people to be mindful of and sensitive to the natural environment in our daily life The main objective of the site is to increase the awareness of environmental issues that affect the future of the planet. features ‘Green Stories’ that demonstrate the steps taken by corporations as part of their commitment to preserve the planet. Global organisations such as Panasonic, Orange, Toshiba, Cisco, Discover, Dell, HSBC, Google, Emirates Airlines, Marriott, Hotels and Resorts Intercontinental Hotels, Grand Hyatt, Zipcar, Nissan and Mazda share their ‘Green Innovations’ online. is updated 24/7 with information relating to news, events, technologies, videos, web resources and success stories in the field of energy conservation, sustainability and environmental protection.The recently launched ‘Green Heroes Program’ gives credit and encouragement to individuals who have contributed in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability.

For more information, contact:

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